Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Tankar, syner, åsikter

Av Soof - 18 oktober 2012 00:25


  R.I.P Earpollution CS40 


Mina CS40 dog i måndags, högra luren dog utan förvarning, utan något våld. It came as a surprise. What a loss... And I started crying on the street when this happened. Now I'm stuck with my bro's stupid AKG that I hate! 


Lately, I've been so pissed at people. I see this asshole romanian bitch-dude, that I know, posting deep shit posts about life e.g: 



Blablabla, yeah you know these kind of deep shit posts. Varje gång jag ser folk posta sånt här så tänker jag såklart att de har läst och fattat innehållet och lever efter det de läser och postar vidare så alla andra kan se. But no!!!! This bitch som postat dessa på fb är en jäkla råidiot! I've chatted with him thousands of times and he does not know how to conversate! He can not handle critisizm, seeing other perspectives, face other opinions, is ego-centric and is jsut full of shit! My point is: Please!!! Agera efter det du läser! I'll come back to this point later on in this post. 

Okej, phew, jag skriver inte detta bara för att jag avskyr denna individs jävla intelligens men lately så har jag sett så mycket av samma bullshit att jag börjar hata på världens jävla dumma huvuden. Jag är så jävla trött på människor! I really feel surrounded by idiots! I have too much drama in my life! I'm fed up!

De två första bilderna ("A wise man.." & "I am..") var postade av denna idiot. Så jäkla ironiskt att han är motsatsen till allt. He considers himself to be soo smart, knows it all, etc. Buuuut, he's full of shit. Like literally. Han kan inte ha en diskussion utan att börja prata om råskit. The bitch frecking started talking about the brain flying to some 4D world shit! Like wtf!!! 4D?! Vi lever i en fucking 3D värld, hjärnan är anpassad till 3D as the most and cannot imagine 4D unless you're a fucking alien genius!

Snälla! Om du läser posts like those 3 above, please. Live by them. Inte alla gör detta. Bara väldigt få tar in det de läser och verkligen lever efter det de läst. Många läser kloka, visa, deep tumblr posts about life and love (advice), men hur många lever ut allt? Inte många alls. I remember a friend of mine said something about me. Mina vänner vet att jag är en doer. En som gör saker, går efter what I want, when I want it. "Just do it (and don't give a shit om vad andra tycker)" , ehe, i kärlek är jag väldigt mycket såhär. Okej, to the point, this friend said this to me "Only Sofia does what we've told her". Eller något sånt, kommer inte ihåg de exakta orden men the meaning of the words fastnade i mitt huvud. Att jag tar in andras råd och lever upp till det. I do what was being said to be done! Inte blabla do this and that to gain that, and then u never get it. 

Okej, look, I lost interest in finishing these complaints. 

Allt jag vill säga är: 

- Var öppensinnad. Snela. I hate close-minded people. Det går aldrig att ha en diskussion med de för de vägrar förstå andras perspektiv och åsikter. + Att vara öppensinnad (+ intresse & motivation) leder till kritiskt tänkande. Istället för att acceptera saker ("Because Gawd said so, höhhööhöhöhööhöhöh" or "No, this is the way it is and should be!!") utan egentliga reasons så kan man istället börja tänka lite! Förstå t. ex gay people, gay-marriage, fördomar (t. ex "all muslims are terrorists"), för abort, etc. stället för att bli pissed BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO FUCKING STUPID så fatta varför folk tänker som de gör! Discuss, be open and understand! 

Min chem ext. lärare berättade om denna kvinna som läste om denna nyhet om en läkare som gjorde experiement på apor. Läkaren skulle göra research om hur of XTC (tror det var 100mg? dont trust me) påverkar hjärnan och han testade på apor. Resultatet blev att aporna dog och att deras hjärnor hade hål i sig och var helt jävla pajat vid döden. Aw my gawd! XTC BRUTALLY DESTROYS OUR BRAINZ!! Lölz, det visade sig senare att denna läkare gav aporna meth! Vid en sån hög dos! Är så otroligt dödligt blablablabalablabalabl looong story short. Den där kvinnan min lärare pratade med vägrade lyssna på el teacher när han berättade att det inte var XTC som gavs till aporna. Men kvinnan ville inte göra djupare research om ämnet och accepterade the fact att aporna dog av XTC & att hjärnan får hål av det. yeah, good ex. om hur irriterande det är när folk inte vill göra further research, source critisizummmm.

My last point: just do it. 

YEEEYY im high! kl är 01.18 and jag börjar 08.15 imorgon och slutar 16.35 6 lektioner. Ingen lång paus. och sen måste jag hänga med kompisarna efter skolan trots att jag har en massa skoluppgifter att göra. 2 till imorgon fredag. ehe. nej 3. men jag ska bara göra 2. + today i had a chill hangout med kk. im too tired to minnas what we did. Oh. now i do. we gained free food. professional hobos! 

hej då. jag hatar världen just nu. im just gonna shut off. shut down. be a cold hearted bitch until this hell is over. in the grave. Jag är inte orolig över att världen ska gå under detta år (which is my biggest wish right now), jag är rädd att den kommer fortsätta leva utan någon förändring. 


Av Soof - 8 oktober 2012 18:53
Det här inlägget är lösenordsskyddat.
Av Soof - 5 oktober 2012 21:35
Det här inlägget är lösenordsskyddat.
Av Soof - 3 oktober 2012 22:25

 I Amnesia flera veckor sen


- Name: Sofia
- Eye Color: Mörkbruna
- Hair Style/Color: Långt, övre halvan svart (naturligt) andra halvan: gul, brunt, I dunno. 
- Height: 170 cm.
- Clothing style: Tight, loose, comfy. 
- Best physical feature: Hands, face, hair, tummy, hips, Oh... Skulle svara på bästa... uh..: Love my hair. & lips.


- Your fears: Wasps & diseases, my shyness.
- Ambitions for the future: Job with lots of action and spontaniety? (fire fighter) or some other secret dreams I can't reveal. Becuase i dont know the name of it. haha. (environment)


- Your first thoughts waking up: My boy.
- What you think about most:  My boy. Or school...? Nah, my boy.
- What you think about before bed: "plz, don't surf on the phone for too long."
- You think your best quality is: My high EQ.


- Single or group dates: Single.
- To be loved or respected: With love comes respect.
- Beauty or brains: Brains ofc.
- Dogs or cats: DAWGS!!!


- Lie: No. Very, very rare.
- Believe in yourself: Depends on what it is about.
- Believe in love: Yeah. Have met several shitty guys this year (that could crush the hopes) but in the end I ended up having a relationship now.
- Want someone: Yeah. My dream dog.


- Been on stage: Alla har väl?
- Done drugs: Alcohol is a drug, so yeah.
- Drank alcohol: Heh.


- Favorite color: Red. 
- Favorite animal: Hedgehog. Dogs. Sharks. Turtles. Fan, eh... I don't really have one... -Unicorns.
- Favorite movie: Not going to reveal it because you can change the password on my phone with this, so I'm just going to tell my second favorite: Grave Encounters. (horror, love it becuase this and "Insidious" are the only horror movies where I've shit my pants.)
- Favorite game: Zelda, Twilight Princess.


- Day your next birthday will be: Saturday.
- Age you drank for the first time: My 18 year day. :P Though I've tried many times as a little kid. xD Damn.
- Does age matter: In what sense? Depends. In relationships? Yeah, it does to some extent. 


- Best personality: Passionate, fun, loving, caring, intelligent and more.
- Best eye color: Grey. Or white.
- Best hair color: Red.
- Best thing to do with a partner: Cuddle, deep talks, competition, physical fights and more.


- I love: my computer.
- I feel: Stressed, pain, itchiness, I'm sick.
- I miss: My future phone.
- I wish: to experience lots of adrenaline in life.

Av Soof - 16 september 2012 22:18
Det här inlägget är lösenordsskyddat.
Av Soof - 1 september 2012 20:07
Det här inlägget är lösenordsskyddat.
Av Soof - 29 augusti 2012 00:38
Det här inlägget är lösenordsskyddat.
Av Soof - 28 augusti 2012 00:14

Aries Woman

Allt är så sant, you've got me right on the spot!!!:


"Romance is something that no Aries can live without and the same goes for an Aries woman also. However, for her, not getting on without romance is not same as not being able to live without a man. In her heart, she will always be yearning for that someone special, thinking about him in the monsoon and that will be her idea of romance. She doesn't need a real man for it. Aries female is the one who will do anything and everything herself, without needing any male help. One of her basic personality traits is total confidence in her abilities. 

She has to lead, to be the first one to do anything. At times, her independence does not go well with the male ego. However, an Aries girl never wants a puppy for a lover or a husband. She seeks a man, but not the one who constantly chases her. The best way to woo her is to throw subtle hints, be a little detached and keep her wondering. Give her the impression that you can resist her charms and she will come rushing to you, to prove that she's desirable. Aries women will never have to yearn for male attention.

They always get plenty of it, but inside they will be waiting for the one they cannot have. An Aries woman can survive even the toughest of circumstances alone and has the ability to come back even after the most gruesome tragedies. She can play the role of a female perfectly and, at the same time, can do everything that a man can do. If you have managed to subdue her aggressive drive, you will be treated to a woman who is full of optimism and has such faith in future that can uplift your mood also.

An Aries female does not like flattery. You should be sincere while complimenting her. Over-sweetness and too much closeness can make her run away, but she doesn't want you to be too detached also. You'll have to maintain that delicate balance and still keep the romance alive. Once she has committed to you, she will be extremely sentimental and very loyal. Don't dominate an Aries female and don't let her dominate you. Either of the extremes, she will not be able to tolerate. Give her reasons to be proud of you, but do not forget to praise her for her talent too. Her expectations are too high, but she will also give you double in return. 

She is very possessive and love is something she can never share. She can be very jealous even at the slightest of suspicion. In case you have a female secretary, it is better to bid her good bye right now. If an Aries girl gets hurt, she will become as cold as the ice in your fridge and this behavior may last an entire lifetime. She is generous to the faults of her loved ones and it is better not to criticize them in front of her. On the other hand, if you are good to her, she will be extremely kind, tender, loyal and supportive. 

You will get plenty of reasons to be jealous when you are with an Aries female, since she is more comfortable with men than women. However, don't be suspicious of her, she would be really hurt. She is possessive, but she doesn't like to be possessed. She wants her freedom and your complete trust. Remember, if she's committed to you, you have no reasons to doubt her loyalty and sincerity. An Aries woman is much too truthful to be involved with two people at the same time. She will first break up the relationship that is not working.

She is extremely passionate and believes in forever-lasting relationships. Though, this leaves her disillusioned many a times. She will never play games with you and is incapable of deceit. An Aries girl is nothing if not simple, innocent and very emotional. Maximum chances are that she will continue her career even after marriage. She loves challenges and believes in miracles. Though it sounds a little freaky, but miracles do happen in her case. Just like a typical Aries, she never learns from her mistakes and is likely to fall in the same hole again. 

For her love means sharing and that means sharing everything, right from her emotions and checkbook to your bank account. Always respect an Aries woman and never try to dampen her zeal, or she will be hurt. Though she tries to show that she is very strong, she is as innocent and as vulnerable as a baby. Be there to comfort her when she runs up to you after being disappointed with the world. If you stand up to her when she comes to you like this, you will never ever lose her. An Aries female will never forgive you if you fail to fight for her. 

In return, she will always be there with you, even if she has to go against the whole world. She is not the one to feign illness, but if she is really ill, be there to care for her. She is quite extravagant and giving her the debit cards will mean an empty bank account. She will be a caring mother, who makes no unnecessary fuss and sparks children's imagination. An Aries girl has a bad temper, but it will go away as quickly as it came and leave no grudges behind. She is a complete woman, who gets hurt easily and is totally innocent. Though she is a little impulsive and bossy, she will give you complete security, fight against the world for you and be yours forever!"



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